Dienstag, 8. Juni 2021

Adult Player Series

Adult Player Series

publisher / verlag: Embassy Books
location / ortSan Rafael
country / land USA
years / zeitraum: 1975 - 1976
volumes / bände: 33 [APS-101 - APS-132; APS 9512]
authors / verfasser: various / verschiedene
notes / notizen: Einige Titel sind noch unbekannt
source / quelle: A++ 

Number. Author Title Year Note Source

APS-101 Pendleton. Kay Family Session A
APS-102 A
APS-103 Vance. Jay The Swap Circuit 1975 A
APS-104 Howard. Brent Massage Plus 1975 A
APS-105 A
APS-106 Burton. Scot The Typing Pool 1975 A
APS-107 Foster. John The Swinging Barmaid 1975 A
APS-108 Clark. Roger A Carnal Need 1975 A
APS-109 Pendleton. Kay Auntie's Sweet Pleasures 1975 A
APS-110 A
APS-111 Howard. Mel Teenage Temptress Volume 1 1975 A
APS-112 Bigelowe, Wilson A Passionate Stepmother 1975 A
APS-113 Howard. Mel Teenage Temptress Volume 2 1975 A
APS-114 Swanson. Peggy Auntie's Raging Desire 1975 A
APS-115 Brinkley. Paul Campaign Promise 1975 A
APS-116 A
APS-117 Wright. Grace Passionate Patriots 1975 A
APS-118 Miles. Alexander Intimate Rebels 1975 A
APS-119 Hall. Valerie Anything For Daddy (Valerie Hall) 1975 A
APS-120 A
APS-121 Howard. Brent A Trucker's Plaything 1975 A
APS-122 A
APS-123 Edwards. Joshua Those Sensuous Colonists A
APS-124 Welby. Anne Spirit Of Seventeen Seventy SEX A
APS-125 A
APS-126 Hill. Sheila Jet Set Orgy B
APS-127 Taylor, Mark The Naive Young Niece [aka 'The Romance of Mesmerism' or 'Davina'] (same as B-484) A
APS-128 Pendleton. Kay Family Flesh A
APS-129 A
APS-130 A
APS-131 York. Linda Casino Playmates 1976 A
APS-132 Sykes. John A Teenage Orphan 1976 A
APS-9512 Diderot. Denis The Talking Jewels [aka 'The Talking Pussy' or 'The Indiscreet Jewels' or 'The Indiscreet Toys'] (same as CP-21272) A
- Die Tabelle ist durch Anklicken der Felder der Kopfzeile alphanummerisch sortierbar. -




The checklists in AlTaBu-Datenbank. Reihen/Serien are often not complete. If a book is missing, it is still unknown. The checklists are based on various bibliographic sources or informations from the INTERNET. 
  • A - Unpublished Booklist by Achim von Wiedner
  • B - Badbookers Catalogue (Vers. 2020)
  • D - Informations from a collector
  • W - Jon Warren - Official Price Guide Paperbacks, New York 1991
There are a few individual bibliographic records, at BUMSEN-

Stallion Books

Stallion Books

publisher / verlag: Universal Publishing
location / ortNew York, NY
country / land USA
years / zeitraum: 1954
volumes / bände: 16 [(201)-216]
authors / verfasser: various / verschiedene
notes / notizen: Digest Size - No. 201 nicht nachgewiesen
source / quelle:W++

Number. Author Title Year Note Source

[probably not published] 1954
202 Woodford. Jack Male Virgin 1954 (C: Bernard Safran) W
203 Harragan. Steve The Bad Girls 1954
204 Mexixo. N. R. de Marijuana Girl 1954
205 Stone. Thomas Tramp Girl  1954 (C: Warren King) W
206 Harragan. Steve The Queer Sisters  1954 (C: Bernard Safran) W
207 Harvey. Gene Miami Widow 1954
208 Sydney. Gale Strange Circle 1954
209 Nixon, Henry Lewis Ship's Doctor  1954 (C: Walter Popp) W
210 Clark. Dorine B. Gutter Star  1954 (C: Frank Upwall) W
211 Duperrault. Doug Trailer-Camp Girl 1954
212 Harragan. Steve Side-Show Girl 1954
213 Roberts. Luke Reefer Club 1954
214 Carruthers. Margaret Another Man's Wife 1954 (C: Bernard Safran) W
215 Harragan. Steve Smuggled Sin 1954
216 Whittington. Harry Cracker Girl 1954
- Die Tabelle ist durch Anklicken der Felder der Kopfzeile alphanummerisch sortierbar. -

The checklists in AlTaBu-Datenbank. Reihen/Serien are often not complete. If a book is missing, it is still unknown. The checklists are based on various bibliographic sources or informations from the INTERNET. 
  • A - Unpublished Booklist by Achim von Wiedner
  • B - Badbookers Catalogue (Vers. 2020)
  • D - Informations from a collector
  • W - Jon Warren - Official Price Guide Paperbacks, New York 1991
There are a few individual bibliographic records at BUMSEN-is.